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| I can... get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can… get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, |
Activity: Read the book, “Ishi” and I have the students put a face | Activity: Read, “When Pencil Met Eraser’ and do the activity that goes along with this | Activity: Students can work on completing whatever they did not finish on their “I am a Third Grader” Activity | Activity: “Getting to Know Me” Paper Bag | Activity: Finish any of the Virtual Day Activities that you |
| I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, | I can...get to know each other and our routines by listening, following directions, |
Number Did You Land | | Activity: Addition to | Activity: Addition to 14 | Activity:Finish the |