Things to do to Googlefy your classroom...

Below is a summary of the different topics we looked at for our training. This list contains suggested things you can do to Google-fy your classes. Resources for these ideas are in the Moodle PD page.

1. Collect Class Information using a Google form: Example: Can be adjusted depending on student age. This may be filled out by students (older) or parents (younger).  Once you have this data, you can use the info to easily create mailing groups, share files and more.

2. Use the email info from the above form to create groups in your Google Mail. Could have a parent group and a student group. You could create separate groups for each hour if you are an upper ed teacher. 

3. Use the information from the form (emails) to create student and/or parent drive folders for sharing resources. (Newsletters, assignment info, etc)

4. Have students create a folder for your class and share it with you. You can create a class folder in "My Drive" and put the individual folders in your class folder. Again, lower El may have one class folder, upper el may have a folder for each period.

5. Use the comment feature to give feedback on documents they save to their class folder

6. Create a calendar for your class. Post due dates, test dates or any other important class info. You can attach file to these events as well. Lower El may have one calendar for class. Upper El could have one per prep or one per hour. Embed this in your Moodle (LMS). Parents and students can subscribe to the calendar and access through Google.

7. Use forms to collect student feedback on projects. This could be from critiquing peer projects/docs or for other resources. You could also use them to create book reviews, data for math or science projects.

8. Using sharing docs to have peer editing and review of docs.

9.  Check out some of the extensions available for Google. Examples are Lucid Chart (graphic organizer),, other Chrome extensions.

10. Check out the more section of Google. There a lot of cool tools that could be great resources.

Última modificación: Friday, 3 de May de 2013, 14:02