Section outline

  • Writing, Note-taking, Research, and Blogs

    • Note Star - is an Internet utility to assist in the preparation of research paper.
    • Paperrater - Free online proofreader on grammar and spelling. Also provides immediate feedback for vocabulary, transition words, originality, and sentence structure.
    • Easybib - Free automatic bibliography and citation maker
    • Think Tank - Helps with topic selection and generating questions for subtopics
    • SporeStory - The easiest way to write and play interactive short stories
    • Flip Book Editor - Flip Book Editor is an online editor that helps to generate flip books. You can create, save, and publish an unlimited number of flip books.
    • Wordle - Wordle is a tool for creating "word clouds" from text your provide
    • Tagul - is a web service that enables you to create beautiful looking tag clouds and embed it on your web page
    • Persuade Star - Free online application is designed to help students in grades 5-12to write an online persuasive essay
    • Blogger - Google app that allows users to create a free blog